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Saturday, October 2, 2010

sooo how about them movies?!?

So I have seen a few new movies lately and I wanted to tell you guys which ones to see and which ones to NOT even bother with....

First off, Easy A is probably my favorite movie of the year. I know it came out last week, but if Emma Stone does not make bajillions of dollars off that movie then holy hell.... If you love sarcastic, crude humor than you will love this movie. Emma Stone is a ginger version of me, for sure. Also, if you haven't seen Zombieland, go rent it or something cause Emma is in that movie too, and she is one hot Zombie slayer!!

Last night we went to see Let Me In.... Now... I love Chloe Moretz, and think she is a "kick-ass" little girl but this movie was so awkward I don't even know how to put it into words. It took FOREVER to get going, like the plot was very slow moving and just kind of boring. However, they could not have found a creepier weirder looking kid to play her 12 year old lover...

Kodi Smit McPhee is his name. And I sincerely hope he is not that weird in real life! I felt kind of like I was about to experience child vampire porn and it made me uncomfortable the whole movie....Chloe Moretz does play an insanely good vampire though. The best part is when (SPOLER ALERT) she flies in and kills these four kids that are picking on her little boyfriend. She rips them up and throws them all over a swimming pool...hilarious! And the ending leads me to believe that there will for sure be a second one. A lot of critics said this movie reminded them of twilight... NOT THE CASE at all... totally different story line and no where near as good. (Yes i am a hardcore twilight fanatic) I would give this movie like a 4.78 out of 10 haha. But you should go see it, because I think Chloe is adorable and she deserves the support!! Let me know what you think about this movie!

Also, here are a couple movies I am looking forward to see! Tell me if you agree!!

Unti my next random blog....
                we are the movies, and the movies are us :)


Wednesday, September 29, 2010

so i decided to do a post on fashionnn.. !

So I wanted to share some of my opinions on what's hot and what's.. well... NOT.
like my blog title... these are my opinions and you may agree or not! tell me what you think!!

my personal style i like to describe as sort of boho chic... i love wearing off the shoulder tops that are sort of baggy and cozy... i love fun shoes ect. I will just show you some pictures!

today... i want to talk about these AMAZING shoes i got offline a few months ago. they are the brand
Zigi Girl.
They are called the "Femme" sandal!

They were $100.00 but so worth it!! Handmade and beaded, they are simply beautiful!!
There is a leopard sort of sequin detail along the toe part and along the back there is also a leopard detail where the back of you heel goes! So cute! There is a zipper that runs along the back and individual beaded strands that wrap around your ankle. There are glass beads, stone like beads, and multi-colored beads!

Here is a picture of them on me. They are very comfortable, and very hard to find anymore! And by the way, who else loves my toes!?! I had so much fun doing this design on them!! Comment and tell me about your favorite pair of shoes!

Also, I wanted to post a picture of my jewelry board that I have. It showcases my favorite necklace made by a friend of mine's mother! It is handmade and has a real peacock feather!! If you love this, check out her website and buy some of her amazing jewelry for yourself!
                                 Click here to buy amazing jewelry!

                       if the shoe fits, you damn well better buy it in every color!!  :)


Monday, September 27, 2010

chicks and tattoos. would you??

soo today i want to talk about the ladies and those with permanent body art :)
First Tat! 
i myself have over 10 tattoos well hidden over my body... sadly, it is hard for me to put tattoos in certain places because I am a nursing major. and, well you know, people are so judgmental! i would think that if I am saving your life then my skin art should have no impact on your feelings about me! I got my first tattoo at, yes, 18 like the law says you should... my mom was of course mortified. i'm a christian so of course I wanted a cross! I got this tattoo at a place called Ink Link in Charlotte, NC. I remember he had to tape my hair on the top of my head... that was the most painful part of the whole freaking experience! Anyways... after this first experience of meeting needles with skin, I was hooked! A couple months later I came back with another idea!!

The funny part of this experience was my sweet little mama thought she could talk me out of getting another one if she threatened to get one. Of course, that was NOT going to stop me, so she got the tattoo... and I still got mine. Then my mother was left with a tattoo she never really wanted and I still got the one she didn't want me to have! Toooo funny... anyways, I wanted a bible verse added underneath the cross in memory of my Granny who died a few years ago... It says Psalm 46:10 which means: "Be still and know that I am God". (It looks crooked in this picture but it's not!)

Tat #2! Hours after getting it done...

Tat #3! So boring I know...

Now... of course.. I was already bored with these 2 tattoos and was already planning on a third but I had soo many ideas and had no way to choose
which one I wanted next. I was actually at the tattoo place with a friend of mine who was getting her first and I decided I would get a little chinese symbol on my ankle. (Yes, some of you may think this is stupid, but remember, i simply do no care!) I looked through a chinese symbol book and liked one that stood for "love of family and relatives"... I got this one on my outer left ankle.

Tat #4! Ribsssss ouchie!

After this tattoo, I took a few months off before getting another one. What got me wanting even more was this amazing man I met in my freshman year of college. His name was Zach. He was covered in them, he was so cute and they all had these amazing meanings behind them. Of course... we fell in love and started dating, and the next tat I got was one he paid for as an early Christmas present in early December 2008! This next one was on my upper left ribs. It was latin script saying, "Vincere Vel Mori". This translates to "Conquer or Die". I know, deep right? It is actually the motto of my Scottish family crest. Google it if you careeee. I was so nervous about getting my ribs done, but honestly, it just tickled. I am so weird! Now on to the next tatooooo!

In the process of tat #5!

A few months after we started dating, Zach purposed to me :) He is an amazing man and I am beyond lucky to have him!! A few weeks after we were engaged I wanted to get something really big on me. I decided I wanted a back piece. I decided to do one kind of in honor of where I was born and raised.... I wanted it to say "Queen City", which is the nickname for Charlotte, NC. I wanted a really pretty crown underneath those words. And then under the crown the words, "Est. 1990". For the year  I was born! I loved this idea. So I went to Cape Fear Tattoo in Greenville, NC where I go to school, and got it done!!

Next tattoo (#6!) I wanted something kind of in honor of my fiance... and yes some people may say that is a jinx... but the way I see it, he is not just some boyfriend... he is the man i am GOING to spend the rest of my iife with! My fiance's nickname is Z-Willy because his name is Zach Williams... so I decided to get a cute tattoo on my left hip saying Z-Willy with a heart as the dot for the i. On a side note... my nickname is A-Willy since my future name is Austin Williams... gosh that sounds like such a boy name!
But oh well... what can ya do?!

Excuse the lines on my side... freaking pajamas!! 

I also wanted to get an even bigger tattoo (#7) for Zach. So I decided to put one underneath the one I already had on my ribs. It is a rose with a banner draped in the petals saying, "Dedicated to the One I Love". Under the rose I wanted the date that we first got together. It was 12-08-08! I loved this idea!! Also, that same day Zach decided to get one for me too. His was going on his inner right arm saying, "True Love" with my lips and the same date, 12-08-08! This was a fun day and it made us closer as a couple. I love him so much!!
Zach's tattoo for me :)
I am sure you are tired of hearing about tattoos by now... but I have a few more!!! After this one I wanted to get one on my wrists!! Zach and me both decided to get heart tattoos on our wrists to symbolize that we wear our hearts on our sleeves :)
Tattoo #8 !
My next tattoo I decided to get on my other wrist to sort of even out my arms. On St. Patrick's Day I decided to get a four leaf clover! 
Inner wrist tattoos! Love and Luck!

And here we are.. at tattoo #10!! This was the MOST painful freaking tattoo I have ever gotten!! I wanted one on my foot to represent another favorite bible verse of mine. It is Revelation 22:13 - "I am the Alpha and the Omega, the beginning and the end, the first and the last." I decided to get this tattoo on my left foot. OUCHIES! See if you can understand my tattoo from the picture!

Tattoo #10 !!!
That is all of my tattoos!! I am currently in the process of fixing the huge one I have on my back because I wanted more added to it and I want it to be more detailed and even bigger! Pictures of that will come when it is done!!! Give me your feedback and tell me about your tattoos!! Any questions?? Just ask!!

These tattoos are reflections of my feelings and opinions about life!! For the purpose of the title of my blog, we will call them "razor sharp" tattoo opinions? Yes.... I like that idea! Until the next blog

      tattoos, tattoos and MORE tattoos! you can never have enough!!

xoxo austin

Saturday, September 25, 2010

a few more thoughts circling my head...

oh yes she is clearly sober
So LiLo was released yesterday, after only a few short meaningless hours behind bars, on a $300,000 dollar bond.... FIRST of all... i want to know who is the freaking idiot paying this chick's bail and knowingly letting her walk around in public endangering herself and others. Whoever it is, (probably mommy dearest Dina Lohan) needs to go to freaking jail for putting other people in danger. She is going to freaking kill someone while she is high on coke, and pills and maybe even heroine??? Judge these for yourself... SECOND, did the stupid judge who granted this nightmare bail even realize that putting ANOTHER Scram bracelet on her ankle is going to do absolutely nothing regarding her hard drug addiction? Alcohol is the least of her issues right now! Honestly, I would be pretty stoked to see her chillin drinking a beer with her homies, instead of snorting magical pixie dust!!! This ankle device is NOT going to stop her from doing other drugs!!! She will fall right into old habits and fail another drug test before her Oct. 22 hearing. What do you guys think will happen before her next court date????

We are going to wake up one day and turn on the news and find out the Lindsay OD on pills and powder and now she's dead and NO ONE gave her the help she needed. This is seriously pathetic and it makes me sick to know that anyone would let their loved one wander around aimlessly, with no help. She should not have been bailed out. At least when she is in jail she is AWAY from her dealers and dope-ies.
GOOD LUCK LINDSAY!!!! (you seriously need it more than anyone else i know... )

On a happier note, Lil Wayne is releasing a new album on September 27, which happens to be his 28th birthday. I am Not A Human Being will drop (digitally) in about a day and I am SO excited!!! His release from jail in New York this November cannot come soon enough. Who else misses Tunechi??? WIll do a whole blog on his new album when I hear everything!!

until the bext blog full of "razor sharp" opinions
peace, love and lindsay lohan. (Interpret that in your own way :D)

xoxo austin

new blog, a TON of thoughts

Emma Stone in her new movie Easy A, a must see!!
First of all... just got back from seeing Easy A... who else agrees with me that Emma Stone is probably the cutest thing I have ever seen. I feel like I could chit chat with her all day every day for the rest of my life and we would pretty much be 2 peas in a freaking pod. Not to mention she is gorgeous in a sort of corky way. She makes gingers everywhere seem like the shit, and to me, that is a seriously difficult task to overcome. Now we can all stop thinking that Gingers are just fat freckly beings who have orange pubes and pale skin (typical stereotype). Now I am more open to view them as a multi-talanted species of human. Thanks Emma for helping me realize that.

Check out those crocodile tears.... 
What else has been on my mind.. well of course, Lindsay Lohan. Where to begin... first off, she is an original Ginger and what I said earlier does NOT apply to her whatsoever. She has NO talent and her only successful movie was when she was a 10 year old untainted child. Chick even had her freckles lasered off or some shit, like that is really going to stop us from remembering her as that freckle faced twin from the parent trap... ANYWAYS... she was orginally told to go back to jail until her next hearing date, BUT of course some dumbass steps in and says hey maybe this time we can stick YET ANOTHER SCRAM bracelet on her ankle and she will find the courage from within to stay away from drugs and alcohol. She has of course, proven that she is capable of staying away from the nose candy right? Um HELL NO?! She flat out admitted on her twitter that she has a problem and is ready to face the consequences... but I have a hard time believing any tweet that comes from this obvious cokehead... first of all... none of that tweet had any misspellings and made complete since, which for someone who is so strung out on drugs (as she admitted) that would be pretty damn hard to accomplish. and secondly, who the hell admittedly snorts coke, drives drunk, and skips court hearings and still runs around free like "oh la de da i'm not doing anything wrong, i just know and admit that i have a problem but everyone keeps letting me run around flashing my nasty ass vajayjay and snorting up anything that makes my nose tingle so it must all be in my crazy little ginger head".... BITCH NEEDS TO GO TO REHAB and NOT COME BACK until she can live with out magical little coke fairies dancing around her nostrils.... $300,000 to bail her out this time, lets see, we should start a paypal account and donate money to help set this poor innocent ginger free... she's bound to do good this time around right?

Check out her pathetic mugshot timeline...

and since when did people like Paris Hilton become role models?? if anyone can honestly tell me why she is worth "worshipping" please let me know because i must be entirely misinformed of these facts.... i mean who doesn't want someone like Paris to look up to? she is so successful... she has been through more Chiuaua's then a chinese restaurant, she has her own "self titled" sex tape that makes us all want to spend a night inside her famous hoo ha... and of course don't forget, she is a self proclaimed cocaine user too! wow! we can't find anyone better to look up to than a born into money talentless chick like Paris freaking Hilton?! Hilton hotels suck anyways!!

anyways... these are a few of my thoughts. PLEASE comment and tell me your opinions. if you don't judge mine, then i won't judge yours. lets have some blog manners please and thanks. more uncensored thoughts to come as more shocking news develops in our crazy world.

until the bext blog full of "razor sharp" opinions,
                 say no to doing lines and doing time. 

xoxo austin